Capturing the essence of a wild animal in its natural habitat has always had great appeal to me as an artist and a photographer.
Sharing this planet with magnificent creatures, large and small, makes our existence richer and more meaningful.
These artworks are also an expression of my imfatuation with and concern for endangered animals across the world.

In addition to climate change impacts, sensitive species are battling the destruction of critical habitat as it's developed,
over-hunting, poaching, and the trade in exotic animals or animal parts. More creatures are being pushed to the brink
of extinction - the work of environmental organizations and concerned citizens becomes more crucial.

Ten percent of the purchase price of any original artwork or wildlife print on this site will be donated to one of those
organizations making a difference in the survival of endangered species and the habitats they depend upon.

Hornbill on Alert

Waxy Monkey Tree Frog


King of the Monarchs


Florida Ibis

Two Love Birds

The Great White Bear

Jackrabbit Ridge

Fox in a Meadow



Night Fox




 ©1984-2020 Daniel Wend / Wend Images. All material on this site is protected under United States and international
copyright laws and is the sole property of Daniel Wend. All other uses are prohibited unless otherwise authorized.