I began creating folding art screens, room dividers, and partitions as a way of making my art and photography larger, more
portable, and more functional. These screens are stand-alone artworks but they are also great for use as space dividers in open
floor plans, as dressing screens, privacy partitions, backdrops for social functions, or even as a headboard for a bed. When
used as a window shade in a bright room they cast enticing shadows and colors. They can be easily folded and stored flat in
a closet when not in use or when you need a change in decor. To see more screens, go to: ImageScreens.com














 © 1984-2020 Daniel Wend / Wend Images. All material on this site is protected under United States and international copyright laws and is the
sole property of Daniel Wend. All other uses are prohibited unless otherwise authorized.