Don't Fence Me In  |  mixed media assemblage   |   12" x 16" |   Daniel Wend

Our ecosystems have been segmented, carved into parcels, and divvied up - at the expense of habitat and the freedom of movement.
The movement of creatures and people has been impeded by barriers - to the detriment of all manner of animal species and populations of
people across
the globe. Many animals now depend upon artificial corridors to find prey, interact with, and breed with other members of
their kind, and to establish new territory and opportunity for their offspring. The building of walls, fences, roads, canals, dams, and other
man-made barriers have made life increasingly difficult for people as well. Many barriers are created as a means of protection or division,
and justified as a response to the fears that are used as a wedge by those who want to separate or divide people, animals, cultures, and
environments. Artificial barriers have created human and animal refugees who struggle to survive in a divided world.


Original artwork in private collection


gallery and commission inquiries welcome


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