First Born |  mixed media assemblage   |   24" x 48" |   Daniel Wend

No one gets to choose to whom, where, or when they are born. The culture, the neighborhood,
the family, and the era that we are born into is what some would refer to as a crap shoot. Life
rolls the dice and we find ourselves born into an impoverished family in a drought-stricken
village in Sudan, or into a wealthy family of privelege in a Seattle suburb. Our path through
life may be more predetermined by the circumstances of birth than we might want to believe.
In the U.S., there are no guarantees of socioeconomic mobility with only a 7.8% chance of
the bottom 20% of citizens reaching the top 20% by adulthood. In America, men live to 76
years old on average, the average for women is 81. If you were born into a family in a place
like Somalia, the average age of men at death is around 54, with women averaging around 57.

This artwork is a comment about the indeterminate life path we are all subjected to as an
accident of birth.


artwork available - studio viewing by appointment


gallery and commission inquiries welcome


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